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The Lowdown on CBD

Cannabis tinctures

Is it safe?

Is it effective?

Should I put it in my vagina?

If you have questions about CBD: You aren’t alone.

Nowadays, it seems like CBD is in everything, from our beauty products to our sodas, and yes, our dog treats. Recently, the menopause market has been added to that list, with CBD supplements and oils advertising much-needed release from hot flashes, anxiety, vaginal dryness, and more.

But, before we start popping 20 CBD gummies a day like Martha Stewart, let’s take a closer look.

What is CBD anyway?

CBD (aka cannabidiol) is a non-addictive compound typically sourced from hemp plants. Unlike THC, the cannabis compound that gets you high, CBD is non-psychoactive.

What does the research say?


The current theory is that CBD works by stimulating receptors within the endocannabinoid system, a complex biological network that affects our immune system, nervous system, and more. Although one epilepsy drug containing CBD has been approved by the FDA, some studies indicate that CBD may alleviate anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and skin ailments. Unfortunately, more clinical research is necessary to officially back these claims, and there are no studies specific to menopause.

Can CBD cure my menopause symptoms?

The short and annoying answer is…maybe. It is just too new a treatment to have clinically validated evidence from reputable institutions. Despite the lack of research, there is a ton of anecdotal evidence in support of CBD. During 1:1 sessions with the Elektra care team, many women have expressed interest in giving it a try. Although CBD poses a risk of some side effects, the potential benefits outweigh the risks. So long as you are careful about the brand and type of CBD, it may be a good solution for your mood changes, sleep issues, or hot flashes.

Is CBD safe?

Because of CBD’s popularity and the absence of FDA regulation, it’s extra important to do your research. Our expert tips for vetting CBD products:

  • The company is transparent about the source of its ingredients.
  • The company has a certificate of analysis (COA) proving that they participate in third-party laboratory testing.
  • The product contains less than 0.3% THC.

If you’re interested in giving it a go, here are two Elektra-approved CBD companies: PlusCBD and Cureganics (We’re not paid to feature these companies).

As always, talk to your provider before deciding to give CBD a go!


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I Have To Pee Again Socks

You’ll have plenty of time to show off these bad boys, as you travel to the bathroom, then back to your bedroom, then back to the bathroom, then to the kitchen, then back to your bathroom…you get the gist.

Cureganics CBD tincture

Cureganics CBD Tincture

If you’re interested in trying out CBD, this tincture is a good place to start. Cureganics products are manufactured in the US from organic hemp, tested in third party laboratories, and contain 0% THC.

* We’re not paid to feature these products. We just like them and think you may like them too.


Updated: Dec 16, 2020