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Fall in Love with Yourself

In case you need a reminder: you are gorgeous.

We get it. It’s mid-week, and you have a million things on your plate. You may be stressed about a work project. Or a health / logistics / fill-in-the-blank issue with your parents has you run ragged. Perhaps you didn’t sleep well, or you feel fat, or your outfit doesn’t fit like it used to.

Whatever’s on your mind, we hear from SO many women say to me that they don’t recognize their body anymore. They’re upset about unwanted weight gain, or the circles under their eyes, or the changing texture of their hair. 

It’s true that hormones and life have a big impact on our relationship with our body. But let me let you in on a secret: YOU ARE GORGEOUS. Have a partner? S/he is the luckiest person to have you in their life. Have children? They look up to you in countless ways. Scared to put your old bathing suit on? We promise, you look fabulous.

One minute of pure goodness. Ditch the self-loathing. Embrace the self-love.

We were reminded of this simple truth this past weekend when watching Eat, Pray, Love and Julia Roberts says:“I’m so tired of saying no and waking up in the morning and recalling every single thing I ate the day before. Counting every calorie I consumed so I know exactly how much self-loathing to take into the shower. I’m going for it.” 

Illustration of a man and woman looking in the mirror

Fall in Love with Yourself using “Self-Talk”

Take a look at the cartoon – sound familiar? Do yourself a favor today and fall in love with yourself today through “self-talk”, a scientifically proven way to rewire your brain. Self-talk can be used in any number of ways, but we recommend starting with these simple steps:

  1. Watch the short (1 minute) Julia Roberts clip above.

  2. Spend 3 minutes in front of a mirror giving yourself compliments on your body. Using your name as the subject.

  3. For optimum results, do this 1x per day, out loud, every day this week.

Example: “Mary, your hourglass figure is nice.” “Lindsay, you have lovely legs.” “Diane, you’ve got great arms, you should really show them off more.” “Wow, that dress looks stunning on you Taylor.”

I know it’s hard, but loving our body is critical to our mental, emotional, physical, sexual and spiritual health. Why not start today?

Affirmation definition