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Is (Sexual) Knowledge Power?

Out of the hundreds of conversations we’ve had with perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, one subject arises time and time again: sexual health & pleasure (surprise, surprise).

As self-proclaimed menopause nerds 🤓, we’re constantly on the lookout for research that not only sheds light on often-overlooked hormonal symptoms, but also provides evidence-backed strategies to tackle them.

recent article from The Journal of Sexual Medicine analyzed data from 16 studies and clinical trials to address an important question: can sexual educational programs actually improve sexual health symptoms in postmenopausal women?

As it turns out, knowledge is not just power—it’s also pleasure.

The article, titled, “Educational Programs and Sexual Counselling for Postmenopausal Sexual Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” compiled data from 619 women, age 39-75, all in postmenopause for under 5 years. While “sexual dysfunction” may sound like a harsh description, it simply serves as an umbrella term for the array of sexual health issues that postmenopausal women may face: from vaginal pain, to libido, to difficulty orgasming. The participants completed 4–10 educational sessions (ranging from 45–60 minutes in length) that covered topics including sexual anatomy, menopause, sexual stimulation, along with some additional cognitive-behavior therapy and mindfulness techniques.

The results of this study were very promising: by using The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), a reporting questionnaire that assesses sexual health in women, these studies indicated that women who had gone through sexual counseling educational programs had, on average, a 7.14% higher sexual function score in comparison to those who only received routine care.

Now, more than ever, there’s a never-ending pool of resources available to us to help us tackle our menopausal sexual health symptoms: self-help books, lubes, influencers, podcasts…the list goes on and on. However, having access to unlimited, often unvetted information at our fingertips can can sometimes be overwhelming (we’ve all been down that 3am WebMD wormhole). This article gives us evidence-based insight into what will actually move the needle for women seeking great sexual comfort and pleasure.

Interested in sexual health counseling and support?

Improving your sex life or having all the orgasms in the world is not the be-all and end-all for every woman in menopause. But a whopping 59% of women post-menopause experience long-term vaginal symptoms that prevent them from wanting and having sex. If you are interested in gaining more structured and personalized menopause support through education, Elektra offers a few options:

Book A Sexual Health Consultation 

Connect 1:1 with a board-certified sexual medicine expert & get the game plan you need to reclaim your sex life. Sexual issues in menopause are both common and manageable. Whether your symptoms are old, new, or constantly changing, you can have the best sex of your life after 40. And we’re here to help you achieve it. BOOK A VISIT

Join our Meno-morphosis Online Menopause Platform

Join our online platform of over 600 women in menopause, complete with a Meno101 educational program to walk you the science and evidence-based tips for your top menopause symptoms, ranging from sexual discomfort, to sleep, to weight gain, to anxiety, and more. JOIN NOW


Dr. Aisha Rush MD, MA, MBA

Monument Alcohol Addiction Program

“Taking a break from alcohol can be empowering on an emotional level. Someone is not only taking control of what they’re putting into their body but reenvisioning what their relationship with alcohol may look like in the future.”

Read our full interview with Dr. Rush >>


Are you ready for 2022 to be the Year of Menopause? Jumble & Flow reviews Elektra’s Meno-morphosis program, exploring the many benefits of a one-stop shop, evidence-based menopause platform.

Women in the UK are missing out on key career opportunities and pay raises due to menopause symptoms and an outdated system that fails to meet their needs.

A recent study identifies a relationship between resilience, sexual health, and quality of life among menopausal women.

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A nourishing serum from an awesome, female-founded brand changing the beauty narrative for women over 40, through quality products that support the natural changes in our hair as we age.

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